Radical Social Advancements
My books offer not just an analysis of the fundamental causes of our social problems and dreams or outlines of a future where they are solved that are of little practical value in creating it, but tools: precise policy agendas. I designed them to be wielded by the people as demands on our government to break it free from elite shackles and act based on the majority’s needs and a moral vision. The agendas include some that ensure the elite’s shackles disintegrate, never again to appear. Each agenda is a brick in the foundation for a just and democratic society where a high degree of prosperity will be much more equitably shared.
However, economic and political system advancement agendas on the scale I propose no one person can perfect. For the necessary mass movement to form around them, collective wisdom must come into play. I look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue to optimize my proposed agenda for a peaceful revolution. Together, we can ignite the torch of a New Enlightenment Era.
Uniquely Perilous Times
Our need for fundamental social advancements is more urgent than it was before the American Revolution of the 18th century Enlightenment era. Technological advancements and historic wealth concentrated in an elite now give them unprecedented power. And for little-recognized reasons, our elites are more depraved than those who motivated the American Revolution.
Elites controlling the social order before the Enlightenment Era inherited their status. Their extreme wealth and power led to a lack of a sense of fairness, empathy, and oppressive behaviors. However, they were not predisposed to their antisocial behaviors. They were inherently just as likely to behave with a sense of entitlement and disregard for others as anyone from the general population would be in their position.
Most of us know it is unwise to enable individuals to have an overwhelming influence over society because it leads to the corruption of their character. This problem has been recognized for centuries. Lord Acton famously said in 1887, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We are experiencing the result of this dynamic on people who were extraordinarily immoral before the corrupting influence of extreme wealth and power. Their preexisting immorality is a consequence of corporate capitalism.
The corporate world is often characterized by cutthroat competition in the climb up to the top of the corporate ladder. The competition is most extreme in large corporations where the rewards at the top are massive. In this context, it is not surprising that ruthlessness, exploitativeness, narcissism, lack of empathy, selfishness, manipulativeness, greed, and egotism are personality characteristics that advantage people lustful for the wealth and power inherent in top corporate positions when they exist with excellent political skills. The qualification process for some of our nation’s most influential positions filters out ethical people. Corporate elites’ personality characteristics result from the motives to be at the top of large corporations and the requirements to get and be there. Top corporate positions require those in them to sacrifice ethical considerations when necessary to serve their highest priority: maximizing profits or market share. Those not willing to make the sacrifice are replaced by those who will. Corporate capitalism has resulted in many of our nation’s economic elites with a significant degree of the of traits that characterize psychopathology.
Princeton University researchers measured the degree to which economic elites have captured our political system with an analysis of 2000 public policy outcomes over three decades. They found: “Policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans… The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact on public policy.” Due to the nature of corporate capitalism, a far greater prevalence of antisocial personality disorders exists in the people controlling the conditions in which we all live than in our general population and 18th-century elites who dominated societies and who motivated the original Enlightenment Era revolutions. Profoundly immoral economic elites are determining our nation’s course and largely the fate of humanity.
A Foreseeable Increase in Corporate Capitalism’s Threat
Technological advancements will enable an economic system that concentrates ownership and control of productive capital in an elite to accelerate our social decline by replacing workers with sophisticated, AI-powered machines and computers. Elites will use AI to exacerbate existing inequality between those who own the means of production versus those whose only income comes from labor wages. AI will increase the rate of growth of our grotesque inequalities threatening our nation’s survival, unless we fundamentally reform our economic system.
If our economic system were based primarily on worker-owned and controlled businesses, the growing sophistication of artificial intelligence and automation would transform from a problem creating unemployment to the enormous benefit to humanity it should be. Workers’ work hours will be replaced by machine work hours with the benefits equitably shared rather than directing them to a small productive capital ownership class.
Worker ownership and control of businesses will enable workers to have more time for leisure and creative activities. Just as worker-owned and self-directed businesses will more equitably share monetary rewards, so will they of the rewards of freed-up time resulting from the growing ability to perform functions with less labor. Among the dozens of public policy proposals I detail in my books are those in The New Enlightenment and Amazon as Metaphor that will create an economy where most businesses will be worker-owned and self-directed enterprises (WSDEs) if instituted. Also detailed are the many reasons we must accomplish this transformation of our economic system. This website has an extensive summary of The New Enlightenment’s content on WSDEs.
Another Danger Ahead
Research shows that in times of high economic stress in society, people are more inclined to back assertive, dominant, and narcissistic leaders in government. The people with these traits dominating our economy are creating a social environment for people with similar characteristics to be more likely to rise in politics, potentially as leaders of newly empowered right-wing political parties.
A society with systems that concentrate its profoundly immoral members with an incapacity for empathy in its most powerful positions is not sane. It will continue to decline into more extreme dystopian depths or disintegrate.
The general population must now take control of its destiny.
Now is the Time for a New Enlightenment
We urgently need fundamental advancements in our economic and political systems.
My books provide detailed agendas to accomplish them.